Pets make great companions, and many homeowners enjoy the company of their fuzzy pals. Yet, pet owners have a lot to consider when thinking about home HVAC. A home’s Indoor Air Quality can be directly affected by the addition of one or more four-legged-friends to the home, but can be controlled by keeping these things in mind:
Cleaning the Home:
When it comes to owning pets, the most important thing to remember is to make cleanliness a top priority. Be sure that when you are vacuuming or sweeping your home, you pay extra close attention to baseboards, corners, and underneath furniture. These areas can trap dirt, dust, pet hair, and possibly the most problematic of all, pet dander.
Dander is troublesome because of its tiny—oftentimes microscopic—size, which can find its way into small spaces that are hard to clean. Dander is the leading cause of pet allergies among people, much more so than pet hair. It’s important to keep on top of accumulating dander, not only for those who suffer from pet allergies but for the general health of everyone in your household. Even though you may not see the dander, if it exists in excess in your home, it will cause a direct impact on the Indoor Air Quality of your home.
Cleaning Your Ductwork:
Another thing to keep in mind is the dander that may get trapped in difficult-to-clean places, such as your home’s ductwork. Since the dander is so small, it, along with other dirt and debris, can get sucked up and trapped within your home’s ductwork. When this happens, your home’s ductwork acts as a collector of pet debris; and when your HVAC system runs, that trapped dirt and debris gets recirculated within the ductwork and ultimately distributed throughout your home.
One of the best things you can do to take care of existing dander within your ductwork is to have your ducts cleaned. This simple process can go a long way in ridding your home of dander buildup, leaving a clean slate for dander prevention in the future. Through duct cleaning, HVAC technicians can open up your home’s ductwork and loosen the dirt, debris, and dander that clings to the interior walls of your air ducts. From there, high–powered vacuuming is used to clear out the debris, making your air ducts once again able to distribute clean air throughout your home.
HVAC Maintenance:
Pet owners should also note the importance of regular HVAC maintenance. In general, homeowners should have their home’s HVAC system serviced at least one time per year, but if pets are also living in the home, twice a year is best—typically during Fall and Spring before heavy usage of your HVAC system begins. By performing regular maintenance, a technician can make sure that your HVAC system is running smoothly and notify you of any potential concerns within your system—preventing long-term damage down the road. Homeowners can also help their HVAC systems by changing the air filter regularly. Typically, air filters should be checked monthly and changed whenever they get dirty. Dirt can accumulate quickly in homes with one or more pets, so pet owners should be extra vigilant about changing air filters. This easy action can go very far in keeping the air quality of your home top-notch.
If you share your home with pets, be sure to keep these things in mind to maintain excellent air quality throughout your home. If you need duct cleaning or maintenance on your HVAC system, give us a call today! We can help you get your pet-friendly home clean, and dander free, which will greatly improve the Indoor Air Quality within your home. Call us: 951-780-9882