Comfortably paying your bills or maintaining a comfortable home should never be a choice. At Sheldon's Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing’s, we have a solution for every budget. If you’re looking to forego purchasing a brand-new AC system, we have the perfect solution for you and your home or place of business. Our rejuvenation packages address the key electrical components of your cooling system, so if you’re worried about your older AC system getting you through the next few years, consider bringing new life back into your air conditioner with our budget-conscious rejuvenation packages.

    Air Conditioner Electrical Rejuvenation

    Trying to decide whether or not it’s time to replace your aging A/C unit? If your wallet is telling you no, then an A/C rejuvenation package is what you need to prolong your system’s performance and keep your home cool.

    Routine maintenance does wonders to give your system extra years of high-quality performance. However, there comes a time when it takes more than a standard maintenance trip to keep your system running. Our Air conditioner electrical rejuvenation packages include:

    Package 1

    • High voltage distribution system
    • Hard start assist kit
    • Compressor electrical absorption system
    • Fan electrical absorption system

    Package 2

    • Condenser heat rejection motor
    • High voltage distribution system
    • Hard start assist kit
    • Compressor electrical absorption system
    • Fan electrical absorption system

    Maintain, Repair, Rejuvenate or Replace?

    If you’re not sure what your system needs, feel free to give us a call to discuss your concerns and receive an honest opinion from one of our HVAC experts.


    If you have a newer system that’s running smoothly, schedule an annual or bi-annual maintenance appointment to keep it that way. If your system is experiencing some issues in performance, you’ll want to schedule a separate service appointment outside of your routine maintenance.

    Maintenance man looking at an air conditioning unit

    Any visible malfunction or displacement with your system should be repaired immediately. Other irregularities are also signs that your system may have a problem that needs to be fixed. If your system runs louder, more often, or isn’t effectively heating/cooling your home, don’t wait for your annual maintenance visit to get a heating and cooling technician out to your property.

    Technician repairing air conditioning unit

    If your system is around 10 years old, it’s going to start showing signs of aging, if it hasn’t already. The average HVAC system will last between 10 and 15 years. If repairs are getting more expensive or needed more frequently, it’s time to consider giving your system one last jolt of energy before calling it quits.

    Carrier air conditioning unit outside of house

    We’re not in the business of bleeding our customers dry. When it’s time to replace a unit, we strongly urge our customers to consider a newer, more efficient, and reliable system. We know it’s time to replace a system when it requires servicing more than three times in a year, when repairs start to add up to more than a new system and when the system is such an older model that it runs noticeably less efficient than newer systems and is doubling our customer’s energy bill.

    Mini split air conditioner
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    If it’s time to kickstart your furnace or air conditioner, give one of our Riverside HVAC specialists a call to schedule a furnace or air conditioner electrical rejuvenation appointment. Before you do, consider stopping by our buying options page to see if you could qualify for financing for a new system with zero down.

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