A central air conditioner provides cool air throughout an entire house using ductwork and vents. A mini-split doesn’t use ducts. Instead, it has individual indoor units throughout the home that blow air directly into the living space. There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Central AC Pro: Consistent Temperatures Home-Wide

If you size a central AC correctly, it will provide the same temperature throughout the entire home. This is difficult to achieve with a mini-split. In fact, if you have a large house, it’s often much more practical to opt for a central system.

Mini-Split AC Pro: Energy Efficiency

The HVAC industry uses the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) to measure cooling performance. The higher that number, the more efficient the system is and the less it will cost to run. The updated minimum SEER2 rating allowed for California is 15. Most central ACs have a SEER2 rating in the teens. There are some systems with ratings in the 20s, but they’re often quite expensive.

Central AC Con: Air Leakage

One reason mini-splits are inherently more efficient is the lack of ducts. Even in a system with new ductwork there will be air leakage. The Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that air leakage in the average home is between 20% and 40%. Substantial air leakage like that makes it more difficult to achieve a comfortable home. The AC must run longer, which uses more electricity and increases costs.

Mini-Split AC Con: Installation Costs

A mini-split has an outdoor condenser unit that controls multiple indoor units. Each indoor unit has its own evaporator coil and blower. A central AC, on the other hand, has just one blower and evaporator coil. This results in higher equipment and installation costs. The typical mini-split has between two and four indoor units, and costs can rise dramatically if you need more than that.

Central AC Pro: Quiet Operation

Mini-splits often produce lower decibels than central ACs. The difference is that the mini-split is in the room with you. Central AC units are usually secured in a basement or attic. This makes them inaudible unless there’s an issue with the blower or ducts.

Mini-Split AC Pro: Integrated HVAC Zoning

Another way that mini-splits offer better energy efficiency than central ACs is HVAC zoning. It’s worth noting that HVAC zoning is possible with a central AC, but it’s expensive and complex. Mini-splits are inherently zoned. Each unit provides the cooling for its zone. That means you can enjoy a comfortable sleeping temperature but a more efficient temperature in your other zones.

Central AC Con: Duct Maintenance

Many homeowners don’t maintain their ducts, which is why the DOE air leakage estimates are as high as they are. You should schedule a duct inspection at least once every couple of years. Perform repairs as soon as they’re needed. Seal the ducts as soon as there are worn seals or holes in the duct walls. That will restore air leakage to less than 5%. You should also replace your ducts when the need to repair and seal them becomes frequent. Ductwork can last 25 years, but many homeowners need to replace their ducts after 15 years or even sooner.

Mini-Split AC Con: Air Filtration

You have to take greater care with a mini-split to avoid an indoor air quality impact. Debris and even biological growth can build up on all the evaporator coils. If so, those pollutants are in the air the indoor unit is blowing directly into your space. Most central AC units have one filter that you swap out from time to time. Mini-splits have a filter in each indoor unit. You need to wash those filters about once every two weeks and replace them annually.

Do You Need to Install a New Cooling System?

Sheldon's Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing is an HVAC and plumbing contractor with locations in Corona and Riverside, CA. Our HVAC technicians install, inspect, maintain, and repair all cooling and heating systems. This includes ductless mini-splits, central air conditioners, heat pumps, and high-efficiency furnaces. Our HVAC team includes duct experts who can install, repair, seal, and clean your ductwork. We have an indoor air quality team that specializes in air quality monitoring, air purifiers, UV lamps, whole-house fans, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers. Our plumbers clean and repair drains. They also install and service tank, tankless, and heat pump water heaters.

Call Sheldon's Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing today or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

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